The TEACCH website states:
Structured TEACCHing is based on understanding the learning characteristics of individuals with autism and the use of visual supports to promote meaning and independence. TEACCH services are supported by empirical research, enriched by extensive clinical expertise, and notable for its flexible and individualized support of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families.
Abou-Hatab, Zahran and Abbas (2013) state that, concerning pre-school age autistic children, the TEACCH intervention resulted in a decrease of behaviour problems. Five autistic children between the ages of 2-6, selected according to the DSM IV criteria for autism, were assessed by their mothers and teachers for behavioural problems. Subsequently, intervention was conducted at school and home. They found that there was statistical significance regarding the pre and post follow-up ratings from the mothers and teachers. Hume, Boyd, McBee, Coman, Gutierrez, Shaw, Sperry, Alessandri and Odom (2011) also found that after observing pre-school autistic children four times over one year, TEACCH was found to be a reliable and valid method of implementation.
In contrast to these findings Virues-Ortega, Julio and Pastor-Barriuso (2013) found that TEACCH has limited impact. Assessing thirteen studies through a meta-analysis, they found that TEACCH has limited impact on perceptual, motor, verbal and cognitive skills as well as a small influence on communication, ADL and motor functioning. However, they state that TEACCH had some influence on social and maladaptive behaviour.
As with many intervention programmes, it is only through continuous research and evaluation that such programmes can be improved in order to be more effective for who gain from them.
M.F. Abou-Hatab, M.H. Zahran and Z.M. Abbas (2013). Autistic preschoolers: a teacch based model for early behavioral intervention in school setting European Psychiatry, 8 (1)
Hume K., Boyd B.,, McBee M., Comanc D., Gutierrezc A., Shaw E., Sperry L.,, Alessandri M. and, & Odoma s. (2011). Assessing implementation of comprehensive treatment models for young children with ASD: Reliability and validity of two measures Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5 (4), 1430-1440 DOI:
Schopler, E. (1998). Prevention and Management of Behavior Problems: The TEACCH Approach Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Today DOI:
Virues-Ortegaa J., Juliob F.M. and Pastor-Barriuso R. (2013). The TEACCH program for children and adults with autism: A meta-analysis of intervention studies Clinical Psychology Review, 33 (8), 940-953 DOI:
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